Tuesday, August 10, 2010

iCarly Update!! :)

So this blog needs updating about iCarly :) well here it goes the episodes of season 3 were awesome and funny in their own ways and even had Seddie! iPsycho had a major beat down fight between Nora a crazy psycho girl and Gibby who was out to rescue his friends. iBeat the Heat was the most speculated and anticipated episode among the fans. The Seddie fans mostly but the whole speculation of Griffin using Sam to get back at Carly was a flop lol. None of that happend but we did see Griffin try to kiss Carly, though he was unsucessful. The episode was definatly funny and their were fans that loved it, ones that liked it and ones that thought it could of been better or didn't really seem like a season finale. But we didn't have to wait long (only a month) before we got the new season going with an episode they just filmed in June iGot A Hotroom. Carly's room went up in flames cause of and accident from Spencer, but with the help of T-bo occupying Carly with a job at the Groovey Smoothie and Sam, Freddie and Gibby working with several others to fix Carly's room. Carly was given a spectacular new room! The best part of that episode was at the end where Freddie jumped on Carly's bed and Sam followed him LOL xD Seddie in the bed as many fans have called it. But thats all thats happened in iCarly. The next episode to air might be iDo but I don't know when it will air. Until then thats all for now. SEDDIE FTW!!!!! :D

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