Saturday, December 12, 2009

iSaved Your Life

So if you all watched iQuit iCarly you saw the first promo for the iCarlySPECIAL iSaved Your Life. In this episode Carly is supposed to almost get hit by a car but Freddie saves her and gets hit instead -_- poor Freddie. but hes ok but injured but everyone is worried this episode according to things that happen it will definatly have Creddie in it :/ and Seddie fans are not liking the fact that there may be a kiss between Carly and Freddie unfortunatly like Sarcasticleaves said there needs to be Creddie before than can be Seddie. Now I am not worrying yet because the promo doesnt show enough we see Freddie and Carly and he pulls her away from a falling LIFE sign but that to me isnt enough to be worrying I know there will be Creddie but we dont know how much so Im staying postive and looking forward to this episode even if there is Creddie it doesnt mean its not a good or fun episode iCarly is always good and fun :D

1 comment:

  1. I am more anxious than worried. Creddie has to happen before Seddie (unfortunately), the only question is: how much Creddie? A kiss? A date? Going out? Can't wait to find out!
